TR1523600-SE21215 - Spanco Freestanding Workstation Bridge Crane
Spanco Freestanding Workstation Bridge Cranes provide highly effective, cost efficient lifting and moving solutions.
You need overhead crane coverage for a large area––up to 40-feet wide and with unlimited length. With interconnected parallel systems, you can cover your entire building.
You rent or lease your building. Our bolt-together freestanding systems can be readily relocated, either within your plant or in an entirely new location.
You want to be able to easily expand or modify your overhead crane system.
Your roof support is inadequate for a Spanco ceiling-mounted bridge crane. Typically, a standard six-inch thick reinforced concrete floor is all that’s needed for our freestanding bridge cranes.
Bridge Length: 15'
Capacity (lbs.): 1000.00
Festoon Storage: 12"
Overall Height 14'2-5/8"
Overall Width 16'6"
Runway Length 23'